From: Jim Cooney (
Date: Wed Oct 20 2004 - 15:01:56 PDT
I for one couldn't agree with you more. I don't own an M35 but I'd hate to
see M35 owners leaving this list for another. Ireland
M1008A1 CUCV
----- Original Message -----
From: "Bobby Joe Pendleton" <>
To: "Military Vehicles Mailing List" <>
Sent: Wednesday, October 20, 2004 9:15 PM
Subject: Re: [MV] RON reply
while I do not own a M35 I would hate to see posts about them moved to
another list.
"Maneo Qualis Manebam"
----- Original Message -----
From: "Convoy Magazine" <>
To: "Military Vehicles Mailing List" <>
Sent: Wednesday, 20 October, 2004 16:04
Subject: Re: [MV] RON reply
> Ron
> Geez Louise...breathe through your nose!
> How on earth YOU (sic) came to interpretation that the
> simple (hopefully constructive) suggestion was in some
> way was slagging YOU(sic)or any M35 owner is entirely
> beyond me!
> In fact if I had the space and financial resources I'd
> probably like one myself.
> There was absoltuely no -=repeat, no--criticism of
> M35s or owners (or anyone else) and there was
> absolutely no- repeat, no--- suggestion of banning
> anyone.
> I simply do delete stuff that doesn't particularly
> interest me, and it is neither a difficult, bothersome
> or odious task to do so. However this is a lot of
> traffic on this list that fills up all our mailboxes
> quickly, YOURS (sic) included. Some people have left
> the list because of this.
> Im sorry YOU (sic) failed to understand my message and
> Im sorry YOU (sic) got your knickers in a knot about
> something YOU (sic) obviously completely
> misinterpreted in intent.
> Now breathe deeply and slowly, loosen you shirt
> collar, and lay off the caffeine.
> Meanwhile, I was going to make some remark about your
> sign off ID as "village idiot first class", but I
> think its self-explanatory.
> Marc
> BTW- you may continue to flame me but I wont respond
> as it is a waste of the list space
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