From: John Brian Seeling (
Date: Thu Oct 21 2004 - 06:38:04 PDT
Fellow halftrack owners:
I've got an M16 with the quad and folding side armor. I'm planning on
bringing the vehicle to Camp Claiborne, LA, on the weekend of November 12-14
for my first "tactical" reinactment (as i understand it, just a fun
"war-game" where everyone is in period vehicles, clothing, gear, etc.)
Since it may be raining in November, and I'll probably be eating, sleeping,
basically living in the cab of my halftrack for couple of days, I would like
to get my cab cover installed before then.
I have a small, canvass "bikini-top" style cover came with my vehicle but no
top bows. It is a repro cover that was obviously purchased by the vehicle's
previous owner. Also, the canvass appears to have buckles and straps on the
front but my vehicle has nothing obvious that these attach to. What do I
need to produce a bow set for the cab cover? Also, what do all those
buckles and straps attach to? Do I need to install some sort of small,
metal strap-receiving buckles to the vehicle somewhere? If so, where, and
how, to make the vehicle as close to the original configuration as possible?
Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
-John Brian Seeling
Alexandria, LA
-----Original Message-----
From: Military Vehicles Mailing List []On
Behalf Of Dan
Sent: Wednesday, October 20, 2004 9:07 PM
To: Military Vehicles Mailing List
Subject: [MV] halftrack question
Fellow halftrack owners.
There are three differant lenghts of the pipe that
goes between the bracket on the wall of the haltrack and the bow. My
question is what length goes where? Front is ??? inches long. Middle is ???
long. Rear is ??? long. Your help os appreciated.
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