From: chance wolf (
Date: Fri Oct 22 2004 - 23:39:25 PDT
----- Original Message -----
From: "Glenn Shaw" <>
To: "Military Vehicles Mailing List" <>
Sent: Friday, October 22, 2004 5:16 PM
Subject: Re: [MV] Humvees Auctioned to Civilians
> Who knows where these rumors start. People love to spread
> rumors. Anyway I just saw this post on the G503 HMMWV forum.
> This person states that there were 1500 not 975. I had always
> heard 975 also. Is it 975 or 1500 if you know for sure?
Just jumping in here, and although I don't know the precise numbers myself,
I think John Woerhide would. Also, a lot or lots of HMMWVs at the Atlanta
sale were sold as parts vehicles only and weren't to be retitled in any
shape, form or size, so they may well form some of the vehicles "outside"
the 975 everyone likes to quote. Some of those vehicles have wound up
retitled anyway thanks to those described as "unscrupulous" by several
parties, which, I believe, is why no more "parts vehicles" (below the
reserve pricing structure) have been offered up since. (The frames were
mostly rotted out to the point where one correspondent mentioned "you could
put your fist through them", as I recall, so retitling them for use on the
road wasn't too...clever.)
Ones and twos seem to have been offered up for sale after Riverside, but
these were 1996-ish "cherry" USMC vehicles where all concerned had a set
dollar figure in their heads, and simply went about scouring some USMC
compound for a vehicle or vehicles which were likely to command that price.
Not sure where that all wound up in the end, but that's what I remember from
a couple of years back (and I believe it was because the Atlanta and
Riverside sales didn't bring in the overall figure that United Defense and
the USMC figured it ought to -- again, going by memory.)
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