Date: Sat Oct 23 2004 - 13:21:42 PDT
Gang, I've just stumbled into the remains of a pipeline maintenance truck. It
was just purchased by a friend and its pretty rusty. He's going to strip the
powerpack, front winch assy and front drive axle and I'm buying the rest. The
bed itself is pretty complete. No side racks or troop seats but it looks like
most of the hardware is there for the bed except chains and the like. Rear
winch is complete except cable. The stiff legs don't look like they've ever
touched the ground and from the looks of it, may never. I'm not sure if I'll ever
get them out. Plans are to build this truck back a little at a time. I have the
most critical stuff here. If anybody comes across a pipeline bed thats being
parted out or scrapped, let me know, I'm sure I'll have needs along the way.
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