From: everette (
Date: Wed Oct 27 2004 - 20:42:53 PDT
I am a skeptic and I cannot bring myself to believe everything some fellow
in a made up military uniform and stands in front of a set purported to be a
military camp and shouts at me.
I had much rather be questioned as to why I did not take every thing he said
as 100% truth; than to be laughed at for believing everything he said.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Jim Gilmore" <>
To: "Military Vehicles Mailing List" <>
Sent: Wednesday, October 27, 2004 8:52 PM
Subject: Re: [MV] "jeep"
Jon wrote:
>Yes, Sunday morning on History channel. I saw part of it.
Ah Yes.............I know that fellow they interviewed very
well.............He knows a lot about jeeps but....he's got a face for
radio......... :-)
>> Everette wrote:
>" 10 CDT this morning (Sunday) there was short story of history
>of jeep,
>> >most, well at least some of the facts given were correct........."
Humm.......................let's see...........if it's the one with Jim
Gilmore (me) interviewed...........then I would have to ask..........
Why do you say ""at least some of the facts given were correct"?
What facts do you think were incorrect?
Jim Gilmore
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