From: Sonny Heath (
Date: Thu Oct 28 2004 - 22:20:23 PDT
What else would you expect in Hillary country?
----- Original Message -----
From: Jim Stead <>
To: Military Vehicles Mailing List <>
Sent: Thursday, October 28, 2004 10:34 PM
Subject: Re: [MV] The long arm of the Law
> > Well it finally happened, while driving my M35 I got pulled over by two
> > officers in unmarked cars.
> I worry about that myself. I'm trying to buy time by looking as "real" as
> possible. As it is now, the cops hit their rollers as they pass by to show
> their support!
> > I gathered from they're grins that in a state where you can haul
> > your huntin' rifles in the rear window of your pickup that to stop
> > for displaying a "fake" gun on their truck was a little embarrassing.
> You are very lucky to live in such a wonderful place. I don't mean to get
> on a soapbox here, but where I live in lower NY state, by Jersey and CT,
> putting a rifle in the window of your pickup is about the best way I know
> to get Felony stopped by 20 Troopers with every weapon they can grab onto
> short notice....
> > back up was in order. You couldn't "Starsky and
> > Hutch" behind the door of the blazer and expect to be immune to the M2.
> Then again, his backup is looseleaf paper to ma deuce too. If their plan
> wasn't to kill anything that went towards that 'fake' 50 cal, what exactly
> was their plan for after they died?
> I mention this just so everyone reading might better appreciate the
> of the cop that pulls you over.
> It may seem like you're not being treated 'appropriately', but if you were
> in the other guy's'd know that one little mistake means your
> end. Plus your inability to help or protect anyone else.
> Pulling over a potentially stolen Military Vehicle with guns is *way*
> different than stopping a Volvo for speeding. Keep that in mind if you
> get stopped!
> Jim
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