Re: [MV] cosmoline

From: Ryan Gill (
Date: Fri Oct 29 2004 - 08:55:55 PDT

At 10:45 AM -0500 10/29/04, <> wrote:
> A while back, somebody had a recipe for home made cosmoline
>(roofing tar and diesel fuel?). Can anyone tell me what the mixture

A web search shows that Lee Liquid Alox is a good cosmoline
substitute. But it seems expensive.

I'd suspect that mixing waterproof grease with petroleum jelly would
be a good start. Add in some lanolin and you're probably golden.

-                 Data Center Operations Group                -
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- Ryan Montieth Gill                   One CNN Center SE0813 E -
- Internet Technologies   --   Data Center Operations Manager  -
- Hours 11am - 7pm Mon - Fri        (8Sdc, 10Sdc IT@3Ndc)      -
- Cellular: 404-545-6205             e-mail: -
- Office: 404-588-6191                                         -
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