From: everette (
Date: Sun Oct 31 2004 - 10:32:40 PST
Hey guys lighten up on me,
Did not say, or did not intend to say that I did not like the show. Just
watched it again, this time the fellow -- be he Gunny or not - did a thing
on grenades, learned that the type I leaned to handle is no longer used.
My dislike for the charter portrayed by this fellow does not extend to the
man himself, I may be old and contrary but I can still recognize an act.
But I still should have the privilege and right to dislike the character
without disliking the person playing the part. I have never met the man but
I have no doubt that he is an OK guy when he is not portraying the
stereotype loudmouth drill Sgt.. - yes Army has them too, at least in 1958
at Ft. Chaffee Arkansas they did, I did not like the one I had then and did
not have the privilege of saying so, and he was much more belligerent that
Gunny is.
By the way Easter Bunny brought me candy this year.
You all mean James Earl Jones is not truly an Admiral in the USN??
Are you sure Sean Connery never captained a Soviet nuclear submarine ??
now I am really confused, maybe I watch too much TV.
By the way Fred Thompson was Senator from Tennessee, except on TV, do not
know where he was from on the TV show.
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