Date: Tue Nov 09 2004 - 19:12:35 PST
In my opinion, the world's foremost authorities on the LD, LDS and LDT engines were the engineers at Continental. Only they studied, in excruciating detail how these engines would perform in world-wide climatic and operating conditions. A close second would be the engineers at Aberdeen Proving Ground. In my view, EVERYBODY else is way down the line.
While experience is a good teacher, if taken only from a single standpoint, it also provides a very narrow view. So, if experience is to be the deciding factor on this subject, I suggest we turn to the most experienced operator of Multifuel engines in the world. More than me, more than John, more than Joe; the United States Army.
Copy and paste this link to see what experience has to say on this (scanned from Government publication):
If your eyes are no better than mine, try again in a few minutes, it will be bigger and sharper.
As an aside, my research indicates that some of the M123A1 series trucks were fitted with Williams Exhaust Brakes in order to make shifting easier, as the transmission was not matched to the V8-300 Cummins, but to the Le Roi TH-844 previously used in these trucks. I have yet to find any documentation that it was the military's intention to use the device to retard the speed of the entire vehicle.
David Doyle
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