From: Glenn Shaw (
Date: Sun Nov 14 2004 - 16:52:13 PST
Hi Joe
He's probably still there ! :-) think everybody on the list is probably
on the same wavelength on the scales/checkpoint issue. I think that the
point we need to get back to is that Bjorn was going to be hauling an
obvious load of cargo in the truck and what should he do. It would depend
on him whether he wants to try to say that it is his own stuff and non-comm,
or whether he decides that for liability , insurance etc he is going to go
the commercial interstate commerce route when hauling loads across state
lines on the interstate highway system. Then again is it one time or is it
going to be an ongoing enterprise? He will have to be the judge in the end.
-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: Sunday, November 14, 2004 6:44 PM
To: Military Vehicles Mailing List
Subject: Re: [MV] Highway truck scales
One time as I was in my civilian, I was monitoring
the CB as I approached the scales. A trucker that
was driving a overloaded rig was planning on
blowing the scales and was really cracking on the
scalemaster. Calling him big and fat, among other
nasty things. As he went by the scales, he noticed the scalemaster standing
outside watching him. A big "Oh Chit" came over the radio from the trucker
and I saw him lighting up his tires stopping to probably back up and go on
the scales. I would't want to be in his shoes. joe Young
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