From: Bob N (
Date: Sat Nov 20 2004 - 17:45:49 PST
You can run into turkeys on Ebay, G503 or anywhere in life. Sometimes you
get stung, sometimes you don't. The trouble with skipping out on Ebay is I
would miss out on some really cool stuff. I collect diecast and toy jeeps
(along with my real 42 GPW). I recently bought a pedal jeep and some sort
of scooter jeep. No way would I have found these around here. I don't do
yard sales and the antique shops are crazy.
Found tons of great manuals at prices not too bad. Never been stung on
those. Even found a "Combat Tips" manual that was illustrated by Bill
Mauldin during WW2.
I tend to not buy from people without 100% ratings or have tons of positives
and only one or two negatives. There are jerk buyers too.
All but one of the sellers I have dealt with has been fair and honest.
Bob N.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Convoy Magazine" <>
To: "Military Vehicles Mailing List" <>
Sent: Saturday, November 20, 2004 8:12 PM
Subject: Re: [MV] Vendor's take advantage on Ebay
>I have virtually ceased to visit ebay.
> I buy mostly old magazine etc. and as I do a lot of
> mailing across North America I know exactly what
> envelop/postage -weight- costs are.
> I have been constantly upset at vendors trying to jack
> up their profits under the guise of
> "handling-packing-shipping" costs or whatever on stuff
> that I won fair and square at a price I was willing to
> pay...thinking the postage to get it to me would be
> the normal rate.
> Even if one allows for some extra money due to the
> time or effort to mail stuff (which shouldn't really
> come in to the question though), there is still too
> high a degree of fraudulent extra charges under this
> postage guise.
> So, they'll always be people on ebay, and the practice
> will go on, unless everyone complains,
> But having been PO'd a little too often, I have
> neither bought nor even visited Ebay in months.. well,
> think of all the money I've saved-- yippee ;-)
> cheers
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