Date: Sat Nov 20 2004 - 19:33:21 PST
doesen't seems too out of line, just buys allot of buyessex's grab bags and
looks like sunshine_specials is just reselling them. sunshine_specials had
allot of negatives though I wouldn't by from them though. They are either
shady or an stupid.
Buyessex sells tons of crap cheap I have seen lots of people with multiple
feedbacks from them:
Look at buy essesx's feedback stats:
PastMonth Past6 Months Past12 Months
positive 32500 167537 266830
neutral 636 3270 4819
negative 975 4270 6315
6315 negatives for the year but that is just 0.02% of their total feedback
The system does work, last month I came across a guy that was using a shell
account to drive up his bids. I reported it and ebay shut down both accounts
in 2 days.
-----Original Message-----
From: Joe Shannon []
Sent: Saturday, November 20, 2004 9:49 PM
To: Military Vehicles Mailing List
Subject: Re: [MV] EBay bidders working together?
If ya'll want something to look at on Ebay do an advanced search on the
user sunshine_specials. Look at the items he/she has bid on, look at the
number of bids he has placed, look at how long they have been a
member and notice the seller of the items. This has nothing to do with
HMV's but it proves the system is not perfect.
Michael S. Nichols wrote:
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