Bradley's fighting, OT? NOT HARDLY

From: Ryan Gill (
Date: Tue Nov 23 2004 - 15:14:10 PST

At 6:11 PM -0500 11/23/04, Steve Grammont wrote:
>Hi Jack,
>Thanks for the send around, even if it is off topic. Reports like this
>from the front are not as easy to find as I would like. It is good to
>get a glimpse, even if superficial, into what is going on over there.
>Having said that...

And that's not OT. Soldierly stuff in Military vehicles seems nice
and MVish to me. How can you separate it?

-                 Data Center Operations Group                -
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- Ryan Montieth Gill                   One CNN Center SE0813 E -
- Internet Technologies   --   Data Center Operations Manager  -
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