Re: [MV] Syncros and Marines

From: noel shelley (
Date: Thu Nov 25 2004 - 01:50:15 PST

I discontinued using the clutch except when
starting out and stopping.

IF the gearbox is of conventional syncro design , then whilst it is possible
with careful rev & load matching to change gear without the clutch it
imposes a heavy load on the syncro`s which they are NOT deigned to take .
YES you can get away with it and it requires skill BUT is not to be
recommended . IF you want an auto box ,buy one !
On up shifts , don`t hurry to get to the next gear , let the engine revs
fall away and ease the gear in , the bigger the wagon , the more time you
have , On down shifts , out of the higher gear , quick tap on the throttle
to match the revs for the lower gear and once again slip it in GENTLY , give
the syncro time to work . ALL done using the clutch ! Knowing the ratio`s
and revs is only gained by experience , a smooth change is a pleasant
feeling .
IF you have a gearbox that jumps out of gear on overrun then the repairs
will be costly and you can thank the NO CLUTCH school of motoring for the
premature demise of your box

                   happy motoring Noel

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