From: Steve Grammont (
Date: Tue Nov 30 2004 - 09:08:07 PST
>Rob, with all due respect, it would be absolutely
>irresponsible of you to repeat such a story unless you
>know it to be the truth.
Apply the same logic to your own posting because the "truth" has not yet
been established.
In the post 9/11 military actions in Afghanistan and Iraq the US military
already has a sadly significant laundry list of screw ups that got
innocent (even Allied) people killed, murder of prisoners, looting,
mistreatment of prisoners, etc. and in general violations of reasonable
standards of military conduct. Don't be so naive to think that there
will never be another incident. Whether the original Marine incident
you're so hot under the collar about should be included in the "halls of
shame" or cleared of wrong doing, you are not in a position to judge.
Let the investigation continue and judge it when it is complete.
Oh, and please stop posting this stuff to a MILITARY VEHICLE discussion
list. It has no place here at all. I'm only responding to make that
point clear.
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