Prince of Darkness- but mostly china

From: Convoy Magazine (
Date: Thu Dec 16 2004 - 08:12:36 PST

ah LUcas prince of darkness....
yes known as that in Canada as well.
(MV content at end)

Actually, basic British design principles weren't bad,
just the realization of those principles.
All the Japanese did with their motorcycle industry
for example was copy the best British ideas of the
past and take more care in producing them. They really
didn't "invent" anything new at all.

Now of course its the Chinese who are the world's
greatest copycats.(although some corporations would
use a stronger word beginning with "thiev---)

Unfortunately, in our quest for "inexpensive"
products, we are destroying our own economies by
purchasing "made in China" stuff. I personally make
the effort to buy stuff made in Canada, but that is
REALLLY becoming harder and harder to do...we hardly
make anything any more! I betcha it becoming the same
in Britain and even the USA.

Thousands of people in the textile industry here have
been let go in the past year, and another huge closure
this week!! Why? directly the fault of cheap Chinese
textiles and clothing.

China recently bought a US battery mfg. and are now
the third largest in the world..beware.

They're after Noranda, HUGE Cdn mining company with a
large interest in Falconbridge Steel..beware.

Oil prices are high, scrap steel prices high, because
of Chineses demand--beware

Chinese company with close govt connection (dont they
all?) just bought the computer bizz of IBM!!!! (could
there be any military advantage to this..hmmm?)
The list goes on, and as China buries more and more of
our industries, What do you think will happen when
China has no more competition, from us?

The US Govt figures for last August show a gain of
several thousand jobs, but further scratching of the
surface reveals that the vast majority were "service
industry" ie low paying, zero-tech McJobs while better
paying higher tech industrial and mfg jobs were lost
as industrial capacity, research, and development go

points to ponder... you do remember seeing the Chinese
copy of the Hummvee on this list in the past

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