M151 #1 plug wire on dist.?

From: Mil-Veh Co. (milveh@sbcglobal.net)
Date: Wed Dec 22 2004 - 15:15:14 PST

Q. Which is the #1 plug on the M151 distibutor?

I am double checking the plug wiring because I've had
them off for cleaning and I can't get one plug to fire
for some reason and I've tried everything else.

Its the #3 hole counting from front to back, just
won't fire.

I've changed the distributor cap, the wire, the plug,
still won't fire...compression is good. Electronic
ignition. Trouble began when plug was loose, I found
the problem, tightened it up and thought it would
work...then it got worse until just won't fire at all

Thanks in advance!

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