Re: [MV] my post asking identification

From: Ryan Gill (
Date: Sat Dec 25 2004 - 08:55:18 PST

At 10:39 AM -0500 12/25/04, Wayne Harris wrote:
><"isn't a threat if you have the antivirus updated>
>O.K. but don't they (the antivirus police) only
>update the antivirus AFTER the virus shows up.
>Sorta like locking the barn door after the MV
>gets stolen. Not a flame just still have lots
>questions on the computer stuff and notice how I
>snuck in the MV reference. I'm working on next
>year "nice" list. Wayne

WEll, its also not a threat if you don't have an
e-mail application/OS that can be affected by
most common virii. Kind of like getting exposed
to horse flue when you can't get it if you're not
a horse. So it doesn't matter if it does come in
the barn or not.

In this case, it wasn't full HTML as far as I can tell. Just a bunch of URLs.

Ryan Gill    
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