Re: [MV] Tsunami, OT

From: gribouille (
Date: Thu Dec 30 2004 - 17:11:11 PST

Do you try to divide these amounts by the number of citizen for each country
Not sure about who give more than others ...


Ford GPA Sn 7177 Dod 30 jan 1943

----- Original Message -----
From: "Mil-Veh Co." <>
To: "Military Vehicles Mailing List" <>
Sent: Friday, December 31, 2004 12:56 AM
Subject: Re: [MV] Tsunami, OT

> Amounts may change quickly, but so far I found this...
> France: 176,730 USD
> Canada: 1,000,000 USD
> Germany: 3,800,000 USD
> USA: 35,000,000 USD (plus 12 vessels loaded with
> food and medical supplies and saltwater converters for
> drinking water. The total USA aid will soon be over a
> billion dollars when counting relief supplies and
> manpower costs.
> The USA promises to greatly increase this amount as
> needs become better coordinated and can be directed to
> the right places and people.
> ( Not widely known nor even counted in the money
> above, but 20% of the total UN contribution is funded
> by the US taxpayers.)
> Funny that UN Undersecretary Egeland accused the USA
> of being stingy when the USA gives more aid than any
> other nation.
> As to the aid sent to the US after 9/11, I did
> considerable checking and it appears the sum total of
> aid sent by the countries you (APB) noted was, uh,....
> zero, give or take a zero. France was zero, Sri Lanka
> zero, Thailand zero... and so it goes.
> But, its not about money is it? No, we are content
> with all that wonderful goodwill and gratitude that
> makes us so popular in the world. Gives us a sort of
> warm feeling or is that warmth just from the Molotov
> cocktails showering flaming gasoline on our tour bus?
> --- m35products <> wrote:
>> I would like to know total dollar amount of
>> assistance (food, medicine,
>> materiel, transportation, communication, etc.)
>> offered so far by each of the
>> following: USA, France, and other UN members.
>> Also, I would like to know total value, in USD, of
>> assistance paid to USA
>> following the attacks of 9-11-01 by the following:
>> Thailand, Sumatra, Sri Lanka, India, Polynesia.
>> A P Bloom
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