Re: [MV] Tsunami, OT

From: Dan Maguire (
Date: Thu Dec 30 2004 - 18:43:35 PST

gribouille wrote:
> Do you try to divide these amounts by the number of citizen for each
> country ?
> Not sure about who give more than others ...

Here it is per person using Lonely Planet's population data and the
previously reported dollar amounts:

France: 176,730 USD/60.18M = 0.003USD/person
Canada: 1,000,000 USD/31.28M = 0.032USD/person
Germany: 3,800,000 USD/82.39M = 0.046USD/person
USA: 35,000,000 USD/290.0M = 0.121USD/person

This is just goverment funds. There are direct contributions to relief
organizations going on, as well.

The respective governments will have an opportunity to pony up more.
Britain is in big. I expect that when the US Congress starts the new
session next week, they will double or triple our contribution in cash
or military assistance (the warships, etc). I also expect that the US
will end up throwing in a Indian Ocean tsunami warning system. I'm not
complaining - it's just what I expect.

Auburn, IN

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