RE: Thoughts of friends...........

Date: Sat Jan 01 2005 - 16:28:55 PST

Dear Listers,

I am very happy to tell you that I've just heard from a mutt-owning friend in
Indonesia who e-mailed me to tell me that he is safe and well.

For any of us out there who may have doubts about whether the money that our
respective governments and citizens are donating is worth-while, please take a
minute to read what he (Udhy Lukito) says........

<<Dear Ken
Hi there, I'm survived and feel so bad for them 80,000 who weren't survived!
Million thanks for thinking of us and it is a great support to us here. I'm
coordinating logistical support from the US Gov't and pretty busy with the
support flights.
Thanks again for thingking of us.
Warmest regards,
US Embassy Jakarta>>

Kind regards.....

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