Date: Thu Jan 13 2005 - 08:45:53 PST
Info for North Carolina residents that may be of interest to some of the rest of
In the 2003-2004 Legislative session, NCGS §20-20-183.2 was amended by adding a
new subsection that became effective January 1, 2005:
"(a1) Safety Inspection Exception. – Historic vehicles, as defined in G.S.
20-79.4(b)(17), shall not be subject to a safety inspection pursuant to this
Since the amended section referenced a different section:
G.S. (20-79.4(b)(17) This is actually the section on specialty liscense plates,
but since the legistaltion above says "as defined", I don't think that you need
to have the tag and that this paragraph is just being used as a definition of
the type of vehicle that is exempt from inspection....
G.S. (20-79.4(b)(17) Historic Vehicle Owner. – Issuable for a motor vehicle that
is at least 35 years old measured from the date of manufacture. The plate for
an historic vehicle shall bear the word "Antique" unless the vehicle is a model
year 1943 or older. The plate for a vehicle that is a model year 1943 or older
shall bear the word "Antique" or the words "Horseless Carriage", at the option
of the vehicle owner.
Chapter 20 of the General Statutes is located at:
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