MV's In The Movies

From: Ken Boge (
Date: Sun Jan 16 2005 - 11:08:34 PST

All you M35, M151 and helicopter enthusiasts might be interested in a
recently released for rental DVD called "Coronado".
The featured vehicle is a M35 A2 dropside with spotlights on the cab roof
and a 5 ton air cleaner mounted on the right fender. Good sound track of
the whistler turbo doing its thing. It was chased around by a pair of
M151's that got destroyed. Actually they made extensive use of miniatures
and CG effects so no actual MV's were destroyed. Special features on the
disc had extensive coverage on how the film was made.
Also used a 1/4 scale rc tank that weighed 600 lb for some shots. Most, or
all, of the aircraft were CG and done very well. Two thumbs up for MV


PS: Anyone on the list involved in providing vehicles for this film?

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