NSN query

From: Douglas Greville (dgrev@iinet.net.au)
Date: Tue Jan 18 2005 - 14:24:44 PST

For some reason I am unable to access any of
the US based NSN sites.

I need to know the weight of the Tent, (Extension cover) for an
M577A1 Command APC.

This is the bare tent, without poles etc.

NSN 8340-00-134-7512 optional No 10918190 or 11617260



                  Armoured Vehicles Collector
       _/_(_o_)_\_ ____
     _/|___|_|___|\_ /____\
    / [___] [___] \ Douglas Greville _/[o]___\_
   /\_ [o] [o] _/\ Broken Hill __/=_|____|_=\__
   |w||___________||w| N.S.W. /__\__________/__\
   |w|\u u/|w| Australia |w| \ / |w|
   |w| \_________/ |w| |w|$ \______/ $|w|
   [w] [w] [w] [w]
           M8 Ferret


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