From: Ryan Gill (
Date: Wed Jan 19 2005 - 10:03:26 PST
At 7:41 AM -0800 1/19/05, Rick v100 wrote:
>I had the same problem in college explaining to
>exchange students that Walt Disney World for the
>weekend was out of the question.(we were located in
Tell them it's just down the road and send them on their way in a
car. Or drop them off at the Amtrak station. They'll start to wonder
if you've sent them on the Orient Express to Istanbul.
-- -- ---------------------------------------------------------------- - Data Center Operations Group - - - ---------------------------------------------------------------- - Ryan Montieth Gill One CNN Center SE0813 E - - Internet Technologies -- Data Center Operations Manager - - Hours 11am - 7pm Mon - Fri (8Sdc, 10Sdc IT@3Ndc) - - Cellular: 404-545-6205 e-mail: - - Office: 404-588-6191 - ---------------------------------------------------------------- - Emergency Power-off != Door release! - ----------------------------------------------------------------
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