Where's your military surplus going?

From: barry tuttleman (btuttleman@worldnet.att.net)
Date: Thu Jan 27 2005 - 11:05:09 PST

being the dumpster diver i am, i often visit scrapyards; i used to
deal w/ one here in Moundhouse (bordering carson city on the east),
my friend owned the place and allowed persons to scrounge the yard,
it was great; i also worked for him when he had electronics=related
scrap coming in.

he moved to Reno (30 miles north) two years ago; he leased the CC
property to Americans, who unbeknownst to him, subleased to asians.
when i learned that the yard had reopened (it took a while for all
this) i visited the place, but was rudely turned away by asians at
the door - everything was locked up, you couldn't even get close to
getting inside (unlike the old days) and the yard was packed full of
scrap. i didn't think too much of it, just figured like some operators
they didn't want the liability of persons walking around the sometimes
dangerously heaped up piles of scrap.

a few weeks ago a gentleman who is in the scrapping busines related to
me the following: the asians are CHINESE NATIONALS. The really in-
teresting part, tho, was the fact that these persons had won the
contract w/ Sierra Army Depot (just 35 miles north of Reno, but it is
in California) for scrapping their UNDEMILLED goods. i used to attend
DRMO auctions @ Herlong (Sierra Army Depot) some years ago when the live
auctions were still being held. the chinese had bid high on the
contract, winning the bid handily.

now wait, it gets really interesting - the chinese were taking the UN-
DEMILLED military scrap, loading it directly into containers (at their
yard after picking it up @ Herlong), shipping to Port of Oakland and
San Pedro (L.A. Harbor), and then to mainland CHINA.

i couldn't hardly believe it; this was basically "street talk", but the
gentleman who told me is no dummy, nor rumor monger. i made it a point
to go to Reno and talk to my friend who previously owned the scrap yard
(and was the landlord for the property); i finally did this last week.

my friend and i talked for awhile (we hadn't seen each other for some
time), and HE brought the conversation around to the old yard - he had
been visited by the FBI & CID, who wanted to know about his deal
regarding the property and his rental agreement w/ the Chinese; my
friend (who didn't know about this previously) told them he was leasing
to the Americans, who were NOT supposed to be subleasing the property.
they were satisfied and left, after telling him a little about what was
going on; a subsequent call to the Americans who were leasing the
property filled in the holes, as they were under severe pressure by the
FBI/CID for the current situation.

the s**t is supposed to be hitting the fan, but nothing in the local
papers as yet - obviously, it would be a big black eye for the
authorities who are supposed to be keeping an eye on all this; if this
comes out in the paper i will link to the online story. i think it will
remain out of the headlines, as supposedly the Chinese are doing this
nation-wide: buying/renting scrapyards close to US military bases,
bidding high on the contracts, obtaining the scrap and shipping to China.

MV content? none, except for whatever pieces are now residing in their
new home in Beijing. i wouldn't post this if i didn't believe this to
be 100% true; hopefully some back-up will appear in the media in the
near future. sorry for the bandwidth, but maybe some will find this
both interesting and worrisome, as i do.

carson city, nv

Barry Tuttleman
Carson City, Nevada

electronics-related website: http://home.att.net/~btuttleman2/electron.html

industrial-related website: http://home.att.net/~btuttleman/barrysite.html

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