From: aussierob (
Date: Fri Jan 28 2005 - 08:04:36 PST
Hello it's Auusi Robb here:
Who out there might have the info on those two years when the Bill to demil
out Warbirds and MV nearly was slipped well hidden, under our noses.
Does anybody have the
Bill Sponsors name/s
the exact wording ?
The number of each Bill ?
[4]Where these Bills were hidden ...I believe they were
hidden inside a much larger group of legislation, all too secretly.
How close did these Bills come to being passed?
In my circles, I have some people who just don't
think that "they" would do this and get it passed.
Quite frankly, I need this to wipe the egg off my face.
Also at the same time enlighten some of another groups
members, to be part of the MVPA
Many I know, have never heard of the MVPA ....or, what it stands for !
Aussie Rob At the Sheep Dip Cafe' & Jeep Ewe'porium
Syracuse area, NY
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