Re: [MV] The game's afoot, (Fuzzy Wuzzy)

From: Joe Foley (
Date: Thu Feb 03 2005 - 17:07:04 PST

> At 7:34 PM -0800 2/2/05, Joe Foley wrote:
> >Hve you got the whole thing handy, I can't find
> it.
> Wot? The Rudyard Kipling poem?
> WE'VE fought with many men acrost the seas,
> An' some of 'em was brave an' some was not:
> The Paythan an' the Zulu an' Burmese;
> But the Fuzzy was the finest o' the lot.
> We never got a ha'porth's change of 'im:
> 'E squatted in the scrub an' 'ocked our 'orses,
> 'E cut our sentries up at Suakim,
> An' 'e played the cat an' banjo with our forces.
> So 'ere's to you, Fuzzy-Wuzzy, at your
> 'ome in the Soudan;
> You're a pore benighted 'eathen but a
> first-class fightin' man;
> We gives you your certificate, an' if you
> want it signed
> We'll come an' 'ave a romp with you
> whenever you're inclined.
> We took our chanst among the Khyber 'ills,
> The Boers knocked us silly at a mile,
> The Burman give us Irriwaddy chills,
> An' a Zulu impi dished us up in style:
> But all we ever got from such as they
> Was pop to what the Fuzzy made us swaller;
> We 'eld our bloomin' own, the papers say,
> But man for man the Fuzzy knocked us 'oller.
> Then 'ere's to you, Fuzzy-Wuzzy, an' the
> missis and the kid;
> Our orders was to break you, an' of
> course we went an' did.
> We sloshed you with Martinis, an' it
> wasn't 'ardly fair;
> But for all the odds agin' you,
> Fuzzy-Wuz, you broke the square.
> 'E 'asn't got no papers of 'is own,
> 'E 'asn't got no medals nor rewards,
> So we must certify the skill 'e's shown
> In usin' of 'is long two-'anded swords:
> When 'e's 'oppin' in an' out among the bush
> With 'is coffin-'eaded shield an' shovel-spear,
> An 'appy day with Fuzzy on the rush
> Will last an 'ealthy Tommy for a year.
> So 'ere's to you, Fuzzy-Wuzzy, an' your
> friends which are no more,
> If we 'adn't lost some messmates we would
> 'elp you to deplore;
> But give an' take's the gospel, an' we'll
> call the bargain fair,
> For if you 'ave lost more than us, you
> crumpled up the square!
> 'E rushes at the smoke when we let drive,
> An', before we know, 'e's 'ackin' at our 'ead;
> 'E's all 'ot sand an' ginger when alive,
> An' 'e's generally shammin' when 'e's dead.
> 'E's a daisy, 'e's a ducky, 'e's a lamb!
> 'E's a injia-rubber idiot on the spree,
> 'E's the on'y thing that doesn't give a damn
> For a Regiment o' British Infantree!
> So 'ere's to you, Fuzzy-Wuzzy, at your
> 'ome in the Soudan;
> You're a pore benighted 'eathen but a
> first-class fightin' man;
> An' 'ere's to you, Fuzzy-Wuzzy, with your
> 'ayrick 'ead of 'air-
> You big black boundin' beggar-for you
> broke a British square!
> --
> --
> Ryan Gill
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> '60 Daimler Ferret '42 Daimler Dingo '42 Humber MkIV
> (1/3)

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