Re: [MV] More test results ... re M151 mystery miss

From: Mil-Veh Co. (
Date: Mon Feb 07 2005 - 21:08:10 PST

Hey Kent,

Good thoughts and I've got two 12 volt batteries
cooking up right now. Will run straight 24 volts to
the ignition tomorrow and see what happens!

By the way, I did find a slight amount of surface rust
under the ground cable where it bolts into the body in
the battery box. Otherwise it looked pretty good and
cable test showed it was conducting perfect.

There was an issue with the carb and I think it's
dumping too much fuel for some reason. It's been
rebuilt but on cranking I see some wet gasoline
dripping out the carb throat. This clears up when it
fires up and looks normal, but it could be running
real rich.

This is a pretty basic carb, so I can't do a lot of
adjusting on it....any ideas on why it would be
dribbling a few drops of gas out like that during
cranking? I know if the carb is too rich this could
account for the sooting of the #2 plug which I believe
gets the lions share of fuel, but a dead miss? Seems
unlikely, huh?

--- Santoken <> wrote:

> Ok, I've been there. You check all the sensible
> stuff, and it all pans out.
> I think that what you have is a simple/stupid issue
> that has been
> overlooked.
> If you get back to basics, perhaps that mindset will
> help.
> When you pull #2 wire, you get no change in engine

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