Re: [MV] M151 mystery miss SOLVED! PS

From: Mil-Veh Co. (
Date: Tue Feb 08 2005 - 10:55:25 PST

Rich (et al), I mentioned earlier that I had slightly
low compression on #2 and sometimes a weak hole will
be the first to show symptoms. This one main issue of
the primary wire coupled to a number of smaller
problems, like carb leaking too much fuel on idle,
then I believe there was also a very minute vacuum
leak (the seal on #2 did show an unual pattern but I
couldn't detect the leak, however I did see flicker on
the vacuum gauge), then a very minimal ground
problem.... sometimes the cumulative effect of a
number of small problems at the same time as the main
fault can give bizzare symptoms! It's a matter of
curing each little thing until you close in on the
main problem.

I can tell you this, that after making sure I had zero
vacuum leaks, new ign. with wires and plugs, cleaned
up battery cables now this thing runs better than it
ever has since I've owned it! Still not perfect, but
considering the improvement its amazing.

I will eventually do a complete overhaul, but probably
clean up the head first with valve grind and maybe
pick up another carb. I've heard that the odds of
them running right after a rebuild is generally slim.
My carb still has issues and I kitted it.

--- Rich Sherman <> wrote:

> >ANSWER: A broken 14 gauge hot wire going into the
> >dist., giving low voltage.
> Good find! Why would that wire affect the #2
> cylinder only? Inquiring
> minds...
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