Re: [MV] M35 Dirt/Gravel Hauler Weight Limit

Date: Tue Feb 08 2005 - 20:20:47 PST

I'll probably take some flak from the guys on the list for this, but I figure I've had about 8-10 tons on mine.

I used the truck a lot last summer to move clay I was excavating on my property. I did not realize it was quite that much, since the truck did not seem to mind the weight. It got real hard to steer, however. Those front wheels just kinda' skidded over the dirt. We figured out that we had about 5 yards of clay on there and realized that the weight must have been about 8 tons or more.

I haven't loaded it like that since I realized how heavy clay is - (DUH).

I certainly would never chance taking anything over the manufacturer's limit of 5 tons on the road. It seems to me the brakes are an underdesigned system on the m35a, anyway, and I generally don't trust them, so I always drive very slow with a load on when I'm on the highway.

The suspension did not seem to suffer from the heavy clay load, although I'm not going to do that again :-)

-Kurt Matis
Troy NY

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