RE: [MV] M35 Dirt/Gravel Hauler Weight Limit

From: Baker, George R. - Eastman (
Date: Wed Feb 09 2005 - 03:27:02 PST

My neighbor is wanting it to make a dump bed out of to haul dirt and gravel around on our properties.


From: Military Vehicles Mailing List on behalf of GOTaM35
Sent: Tue 2/8/2005 10:27 PM
To: Military Vehicles Mailing List
Subject: Re: [MV] M35 Dirt/Gravel Hauler Weight Limit

----- Original Message -----
From: "Baker, George R. - Eastman" <>
Before we get started I know what the specs say, how much weight do you
think I can haul on a M35? It will be short trips on my property hauling
dirt and gravel, would it haul ten tons?


Not for long.

I have hauled 5 tons on my M35 a few times and I won't again. It made some
very unsettling sounds from the rear end. I saw a M35 on a job site a while
back that someone had put solid pieces of rubber between the axle and the
frame. They had put a large dump bed on the back and probably found out the
hard way that 20 tons of dirt didn't sit well on it. If you look at a 5 ton
trucks suspension and compare it to a deuce, the deuce looks very puny. The
biggest problem is when you go over any uneven surface and watch all that
stuff move around and hear all that creaking.

Just wondering though, how are you going to get 10 tons of gravel off the

Joe Trapp

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