[MV] Towing a M1009

From: Glenn Shaw (mpmutt@mtaofnj.us)
Date: Wed Feb 16 2005 - 17:34:16 PST


Not sure what vehicle problem you are responding to. I am referring to flat
towing with a towbar of mil vehicles with all tires in road ready condition.
Nothing to do with hummers specifically. It even applies to the old M38A1
and M151 series. I am sure that your vehicle problems were real and dealt
with appropriately.

-----Original Message-----
From: Cliff S [mailto:mtnbikinssgt@hotmail.com]
Sent: Wednesday, February 16, 2005 8:00 PM
To: Military Vehicles Mailing List
Subject: Re: [MV] Towing a M1009

Glenn and list that old rule was for the runflat in a hummer.........and it
doesnt work!!!!!! trust me I know.....x3 tires (diff
incidents(.......includes radials too......did about 5 hours repair work to
my truck. tore out the fuel filler, neck, removed the struts for the body
in the fender well, and jacked up the fuel tank with sand.... fuel
filters......the whole works......then I had to literally cut off the
tread.......with a knife in the middle of the desert, 29
palms..........after the first time I didnt go that route again. Just
called for the maint team.

Cliff Smith SSgt USMC Iraq

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