From: MV (
Date: Wed Mar 16 2005 - 09:04:12 PST
Unfortunately, the USA suffers from short term thinking with little to
no long term planning. While the government happily spends us into hell
with the Military Freedom movement in Iraq IE, which was previously the
elimination of WMDs (another issue) and ever increasing deficits, we
are encouraged to buy good made in China imported in massive quantities
all while Washington talks about job loss.
The US government propaganda machine sends up headliners - the answer
this week is ....... SS will run out of money eventually.... Gay
marriage is not good ........ Ban xxxx type abortion.... Give money to
..... Send more money to xxxx.....National sales tax...... the bs goes
on and on while China whittles away at our economy.
Long term planning and strategizing for the government is where the
senator is going to spend his summer recess period and what bs he will
spew to get re-elected in two years.
China on the otherhand has a carefully thought out strategy which spans
decades. They are making great progress in eliminating the competition.
The value of the dollar is dropping like a rock, which is further
indication of the USA weakening as a nation. (Wonder why you are paying
$2.00/gallon for for gasl??? ) See If the dollar was
the same value as the Euro, which it was when it started, then a gallon
of gas would cost $1.50 instead of $2.00 per gallon. Oil is not going
up in price. The dollar is falling in value.
I run a company that services industrial companies and every industrial
customer I have is just holding their own. Most are one bad contract
from backruptcy. One of the few things we can build and make money on
in this country is houses, which is subsidized by tax breaks, and once
someone figures out how to import those from China, that will be gone
also. Just wait until China starts building cars and trucks in
quantity. Walmart is already selling Chinese made Generators for $1000,
I think cars might be just around the corner.
It's one sad situation and it makes me wonder where my industrial
customers will be in 5 years.
Larry Tighe wrote:
> Don't blame China! We BUY their products because the unions have made
> production too expensive in the U.S. That's not theory, it's fact.
> References? PA rustbelt et al.
> I'd bet my first-born that there ain't a radio in today's military
> aircraft that doesn't have Asian made chips in it. I hear tell the
> President's new helicopter isn't even American made. Don't blame
> know who to blame.
> Lar
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