From: Ryan Gill (
Date: Mon Apr 11 2005 - 09:54:02 PDT
At 9:21 AM -0700 4/11/05, Mil-Veh Co. wrote:
>How about the French Char B-1 bis, a 32 ton tank from
>WWII. Even after the German's captured them en masse'
>in virtually unused condition they wouldn't use them.
Actually, they did use them. There were some converted as flame thrower tanks and some were placed on the Channel Islands, Ygoslavia and other places as security vehicles to protect the rear areas or fight insurgents. Their low speeds were limiting for their preferred armor tactics, but they didn't not use them.
>I don't recall the name, but another flop was the
>French scout car that mounted this giant steel wheel
>in the center that could be raised or lowered and it
>had two drivers, one always facing front and one at
>the rear, presumably for faster getaways, trouble was
>if they both wanted to go in opposite direction!
Not all that unusual for Recce vehicles. The SdKfz 232 8 Rad based Armored cars also had a rear driver's position. Even the Modern German Spahpanzer Luchs Armored Car has a 2nd driver station for fast reversing. The British Daimler Armored car had a position for the Commander to assume for faster reversing, but it wasn't a dedicated position. The Swedish S tank also had a rear facing secondary driver's position,.
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