From: Wayne Harris (
Date: Wed Apr 20 2005 - 00:28:36 PDT
It the Internet you don't have to tell the truth or give out your real email
address just grap a free email address and use that. If they want a phone
number the White House switchboard number is 202-456-1414 Wayne
>From: "Larry Tighe" <>
>To: "Military Vehicles Mailing List" <>
>Subject: [MV] Information Pleeeze OT
>Date: Tue, 19 Apr 2005 19:56:50 -0400
>Howdy Peoples,
>I wanna get on a list and it sez I have to join Yahoo something in order to
>participate. It requires me to fill out a long questionaire....I don't
>like that very much!
>If you sign up for a Yahoo list membership, does that expose you to junk
>mail and who knows what?
>Any input is appreciated,
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