Re: [MV] OT: Sandblasting and Painting Military Vehicles

Date: Mon Apr 25 2005 - 11:11:24 PDT

Please reply to the list. This is a good subject and is very related to
the feeding and upkeep of rusty green trucks.

Dave McConnell

-----Original Message-----
From: John Brian Seeling <>
To: Military Vehicles Mailing List <>
Sent: Mon, 25 Apr 2005 11:47:57 -0500
Subject: [MV] OT: Sandblasting and Painting Military Vehicles

I'm about to get started on a significant project restoring a 1942 GPW.
will take a long time, mainly due to the costs associated with F-parts
the fact that I'm doing this on a shoestring budget. However, as
permit, I plan on doing it right the first time.

I will need to do a lot of sandblasting over the next year or two, for
and body work that I can afford to do. I am prepared to purchase a
but FUNCTIONAL sandblasting setup. I've got access to a shop with a
CFM compressor setup. Also, I've got access to a much larger CFM
that is trailer-mounted and would probably be better for sandblasting.
Nobody has a blasting pot/setup I can borrow and I believe that I'm
money with continued rentals.

First Question: do they even sell blasting sand anymore? I've always
a respirator for blasting and painting, but it would seem like blasting
is a thing of the past. What is everybody using now for blasting media?
(cheap stuff).

Second Question: Is there a good Harbor Freight or other inexpensive
decent quality/capacity setup that I should purchase for my hobby work?
not looking for a blaster that will be used every day, but I want
that WORKS when I need it (once a month, or perhaps less).

Any and all advice would be greatly appreciated. Please feel free to
off-list since this is not directly MV related, but I promise to keep
list apprised of my progress on the GPW as it goes along.

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