From: Bill (
Date: Fri Apr 29 2005 - 11:53:18 PDT
Going to work 3 times per week in Mass I have seen it all....
A good rule of thumb in the peoples republic of Massachusetts is that
when the Blue lights go on it is going to cost you money regardless of
who is right or wrong.
What the police will do with out of state plates is they will write you
a citation with a fine of between $50 and $100. They do this as they
figure that you are from out of state and won't come back to fight it in
court just paying the fine to be over with it. Great source of revenue.
Remember it isn't the law it is $$$$$$$.
Rick v100 wrote:
> Since you are required by most states to be a resident
> to register and title vehicles in that state, wouldn't
> it be impossible to do anyway?
> Sounds like a new Taxachusetts scam. Temp transient
> registrations for trailers.
> Rick
> --- Ryan Gill <> wrote:
>>At 1:27 PM -0400 4/29/05, Glenn Shaw wrote:
>>>Hi Rick
>>>Yes you would, and do need such knowledge. This is
>>not a problem in
>>>practice since most people just assume you need
>>plates on things you run on
>>>the roads.
>>And if the state does not issue a tag for "equipment
>>drawn as a trailer" like a log splitter or a cement
>>mixer, then what's the person supposed to do?
>>Register it outside of the scope of law of his or
>>her own state? If mass required that all drivers
>>have a Massachusetts license to operate a vehicle in
>>Massachusets, then they'd eventually find themselves
>>unable to drive in other states.
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