From: barry tuttleman (btuttleman@worldnet.att.net)
Date: Tue May 03 2005 - 19:21:17 PDT

for sale: originals

1)TM 9-2320-356-BD: Battlefield Damage Assessment & Repair for Tactical
Wheeled Vehicles; about 300 pages; divided into various sections of the
vehicle including engine, general automotive components, fuel supply
systems, transmission systems, wrecker & crane assembly, communications
system, axles & drivelines, etc. field expedient repairs for various
problems which might prove very helpful for MV owners "on the road".
"as-new" condition; $16.00 + ship

2)TM 9-214: Inspection, Care & Maintenance of Antifriction Bearings;
Nov. '59; "as-new" condition; 85 pages w/ excellent detailed texts,
photos & illustrations. $12.00 + ship

3)TM 9-6140-200-14: Operator's Unit, DS & GS Maintenance Manual for
Lead-Acid Storage Batteries, 24V & 12V models listed; July '89, about
new condition; everything you always wanted to know about batteries!
$9.00 + ship

4)FMC (Food Machinery Company, manufacturers of the BFV) "Bradley A2,
M2/M3 Fighting Vehicles"; looks to be a factory reprint, pictures are
so-so; about 100 pages, in clean shape. first section deals in a gen-
eral description of the BFV and variants; next half w/ the "Saudi Arabia
Program" which i'm guessing is detailing in general terms differences
made to vehicles either purchased by SA or that would be seeing
operation in SA; last half deals w/ single-page descriptions of various
components of the BFV; difficult to describe exactly what this work was
actually used for! $15.00 + ship

5)FM 20-31: Electric Power Generation in the Field; Oct. '87; "as-new"
condition; about 100 pages - good basic course on all aspects of gener-
ator operation/maintenance/repair/troubleshooting/function/etc;
$13.00 + ship

6)FM 11-60: Communications-Electronics Fundamentals: Basic Principles
Direct Current; Nov '82; about 100 pages, "as-new"; basic course in DC
fundamentals. $8.00 + ship

7)Soldiering FMs: FM 22-100 (Military Leadersip), FM 25-100 (Training
the Force, Soldiers/Units/Leaders) & FM 25-101 (Battle Focused Training,
Battalion/Leaders/Units); all "as-new", take all of them for $10.00 +

please email replies off-list, tnx in advance; pictures always available.
carson city, nv

Barry Tuttleman
Carson City, Nevada

electronics-related website: http://home.att.net/~btuttleman2/electron.html

industrial-related website: http://home.att.net/~btuttleman/barrysite.html

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