Re: [MV] Honor and respect for history

From: Jonathan Boos (
Date: Fri May 20 2005 - 08:15:44 PDT

There are, of course, exceptions to every generalization. Case in point. Is
you truck green? Would you like it as much if it were blue? Do you feel even
the slightest bit more proud or patriotic when driving it?

----- Original Message -----
From: <>
To: "Jonathan Boos" <>
Sent: Friday, May 20, 2005 7:34 AM
Subject: Re: [MV] Honor and respect for history

> Quoting Jonathan Boos <>:
>> While this thread is not off topic, I think that the folks who consider
>> re-inacting a farce or somehow offensive or disrespectful should realize
>> that THE WHOLE REASON FOR THIS LIST is so folks can share thier bit of
>> history and re-inact to some degree themselves. Why the passion for
>> collecting "Green Iron"? Don't even start to tell me that they have them
>> for
>> the mileage or that they ride better than a Lexus or even a Hyudai for
>> that
>> matter. We all collect them out of reverence of what they represent. The
>> mightyest country the planet has ever known and the men and women who
>> drove
>> them in theater. Now there may be "wanna-be" folks out there, but I defy
>> you
> Speak for yourself, Jonathan. I have a deuce simply because it is fun to
> drive
> and it is useful - not because of it's history. I deeply respect the men
> who
> drove it, but the truck by itself is just a truck.

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