From: Wayne Harris (
Date: Sun May 29 2005 - 02:37:04 PDT
Not exactly what you are looking for but sometime this month Kroger grocery
stores will/should have a Self Heating Coffee Can which comes in four
flavors(retail for about $2.25), It heats the coffee to 145 degrees in six
minutes - and stays hot for 30 minutes, later on this fall will be cans of
self-heating soup in four varieties and Hot chocolate and all made to fit
your car cup holder. Here is the basis idea. Water flows into a sealed inner
cone filled with quicklime, which is mostly calcium oxide. A chemical
reaction heats the coffee to a pleasant 145 degrees in six to eight minutes.
BTW MREs heaters mix magnesium iron oxide and water and need several steps.
BTW If you just need a source of hot water here is one trick the convicts in
the C.I. I used to work in would do. They would steal our Fire Horns off the
walls, strip the fine copper wire out, wind it up like a coil, plug it into
120v and heat water to make their coffee with. You might could do the same
with a 12 or 24v battery.. The left over wire would be used to make antennas
for their radios. They would tie one end around a tube of tooth paste(for
the weight) stick their arm out of a windrow and toss it on the roof and
hook it to the radio. Both worked great.
>From: "Don Low" <>
>To: "Military Vehicles Mailing List" <>
>Subject: [MV] HEAT TO GO: New Hot Beverage Bag for Soldiers
>Date: Sun, 29 May 2005 01:34:27 -0500
>It does not say what these are made of,
>Anyone know where I can get the4m ?????
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