Re: [MV] Cummins run away

From: James Shanks (
Date: Sat Jun 11 2005 - 12:25:23 PDT


  Cat, Mack, and Detroit engine all will hold a
given speed by cranking out the manual throttle.

 A Cummins is a horse of a different color
however, it REQUIRES a special governor attached
to the fuel injection pump to precisely control
rpm's on a Cummins for fixed speed applications
say driving a compressor to unload a dry load of
Cement. Now you know why Mack and Cat's are so
popular for those trucking hauls.

  What you described below is normal for any
NTC-855 Cummins engine with straight mechanical
fuel injection IE: no electronic controls save
the shutdown solenoid. In winter all you need to
do is increase rpm a total of 50 RPM to keep the
engine warm down to 50 Degree's below zero (MY
personal expierience driving an 18 otr)Go up to
any driver driving a Older NTC engined truck and
ask him if he can hold a set speed in neutral
with his foot or hand throttle and I'd bet money
on he'll state once your past 50 RPM it will just
keep on climbing till it hits governor setting.
Yours should top out at 2250 RPM petal to the
metal in neutral. That gives you a working limit
of 1500-2100 RPM. If your RPM exceeds this
setting ( it will be noisy as all get out but you
will notice power fall right off.

--- wrote:

> If I can get this Cummins back to normal just
> by adding some
> oil to the fuel, I'll be a very happy man!
> That's the kind of
> fixes I like.
> Sitting here this morning, I recalled another
> quirk with this
> motor. Every time after starting it and bumping
> the manual
> throttle up some, it would start to increase
> rpms. A slow
> but gradual increase to the point I'd have to
> run over to
> the truck and knock the throttle back to idle.
> It'll sit there
> and idle without a problem, but bump it up a
> few hundred
> rpm and off it will go. I never had a problem
> driving it after
> a warm up, though now I'm worried. I don't
> wanna be the
> person that sets the land speed record for
> crossing a corn
> field or housing development :)
> Thanks for the suggestion and explanation.
> Joe Young

James Shanks
85 M-1009
98 IMZ 8.103

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