From: Sarge (
Date: Tue Jun 14 2005 - 07:49:11 PDT
Robert, I guess I know a lot about FSC (Federal Stock Class) 5411, Rigid
Wall Shelters.
There are several hundred configurations and several sizes, but the most
popular shelter is the S280/S250 shelter.
The most popular size is just under 12' long, 7' wide and 7' tall, not
co-incidentally the same size as a standard M35 bed.
These size shelters weigh anything from 1500 pounds for a stripped shelter
up to 15,000 pounds for a loaded TAOM.
The Transporter, Airmobile is correctly named a "Dolly Set, Lift,
Transportable Shelter" and comes in several flavours.
The most popular types are the: M720 (3 Ton), the M832 (5 Ton) and the M1022
(10 Ton).
The Dolly Sets match up to the corresponding weight shelters.
Normally you cannot hook up a Dolly Set to the incorrect shelter, but a very
few exceptions exist.
I worked with these Dolly sets and Shelters for over 20 years and frequently
lived for months in the shelters in exotic vacation getaways like Chad,
Bosnia and Kuwait.
The M720 normally takes 4 men to attach to a shelter, but with imagination,
one large man can attach it.
The M832 usually takes 8 men to attach to a shelter, but with knowledge of
levers and fulcrums, one fat man with tools can attach it, even on an
off-camber dirt surface. (Don't ask!)
The M1022 can be attached by one man who owns a fork-lift.
If you have any more questions about Dolly Lift sets or electronic shelters,
I am quite capable of blathering on Ad Nauseum.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Robert Buettner" <>
To: "Military Vehicles Mailing List" <>
Sent: Monday, June 13, 2005 5:24 PM
Subject: [MV] Questions about a Transporter, Airmobile
> Hello List-
> I was looking at some GL sales and found a
> Transporter, Airmobile. I thought it looked kinda
> neat and researched some more inforamtion on it and it
> said that it was for the lifting and moving of
> Electronic Equipment Shelters. So, now my question
> is, what is an Electronic Equipment Shelter? It has
> to weight less that 4,000 lbs. and I am guessing is
> not all that big. Does anyone have any experience
> with one that they would like to share? I look
> forward to your answers.
> Robert Buettner
> War Memorials of Wisconsin
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