From: Vadim Kogan (vadim@XCF.Berkeley.EDU)
Date: Thu Jun 16 2005 - 13:55:03 PDT
On Tue, Jun 14, 2005 at 01:01:30PM -0700, Mark J. Blair, NF6X wrote:
> The old Prestolite protective control box in my M998 HMMWV appears to
> have failed, such that the starter would not be actuated. I had to
> actuate the starter with a bit of wire from the truck to restart the
> truck and get it back home.
> The replacement PCB that I bought is a KDS model CR-2699, with a green
> label. I've read that this is a one-piece design, and it'll work fine
> with any version of glow plug controller installed in the cooling
> crossover pipe (or maybe even with a simple pipe plug there?). I think
> that the previous owner of the box purchased it as part of a package
> deal from Kascar, but didn't end up needing it.
> Can any of y'all verify that this PCB should be compatible with my old
> glow plug controller before I install it and attach power?
Yeah, KDS box should work fine. It does here. The thing that it does NOT do
quite right is reduce the cycling if the engine is warm/hot. It's somewhat
unpredictable how long it'll cycle the glow plugs, which is not a huge
problem if you don't mind driving with the glowplugs cycling... Also note
that it will always do the initial continuous heating (w/ WAIT light on).
OTOH, if you know your engine is hot you may just start it while the WAIT
light is on, which will cause the box not to cycle the glowplugs afterwards.
I've replaced my old PCB with the KDS one, also a one-piece design, but I
don't remember the exact model/color of the label. I'll try to remember to
check tonight.
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