Re: [MV] M35 Cargo Cover

From: Wayne Harris (
Date: Wed Jun 22 2005 - 17:57:48 PDT

I have used (good shape) bow sets with wooden top bow and fiberglass
uprights for 150.00 plus shipping (trades??) from 31513 the metal corner
bows has light rust and the top bow needs painting but they are completely
useable as is. The corners and upright are about 50lbs and I'll have to
check on the long top bows but they have to go oversize, best I remember. No
top covers. TIA Wayne

PS Not trying to beat Brian out of any business but I read where he said
that he had sold out. Wayne

>From: Valentine <>
>To: "Military Vehicles Mailing List" <>
>Subject: Re: [MV] M35 Cargo Cover
>Date: Wed, 22 Jun 2005 09:11:32 -0700
>Try to get an address for a guy named Brian Shook. I used to have it but
>do not have it as I send this to you. Brian is a good guy and he is
>located on the East coast. If all else fails I have some but I am on the
>West coast (Seattle) so shipping will take your breath away.
>Good luck,
>Verne Valentine
>MVPA 20863
>At 11:44 PM 6/21/2005, Raul Colon wrote:
>>Hi, I'm looking for a M35 a complete set of bows (10) with the
>>woods(5)and the cargo cover with the curtain too. If you have some of this
>>stuff, pls, give me a total with S/H to this Zip code:00693.

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