Date: Tue Jun 28 2005 - 08:36:29 PDT
Jim Breneman wrote, "This is so not "typical of the whiney little brats
these days..." Had you read the article you would have noticed that there
was more going on than just yelling at the recruits. There was no excuse
to be physical with recruits in these cases. In fact for the most part,
there is no reason to ever touch a recruit...."
We had two boys go thru Army boot camp in the past 6 years. One went on
to 82nd ABN, then Rangers and now Special Forces (Ft. Lewis) and the other
did his 2 years and got out. They both saw a few whiners that shouldn't
be in the military, but very few.
I also know you don't even touch a recruit unless you ask permission
first, so obviously punching or kicking one is against regs and a good DI
goes by the rules. Striking an enlisted man was NEVER condoned, not even
in WWII. Doesn't mean it didn't happened, just not condoned. Back in my
time Paris Island was a brutal hell hole until an investigation cleaned it
up. Beating up recruits does not build moral, it's just sadistic and
I got to tell you, what I saw at Ft. Benning and Ft. Bragg in the past
couple of years would make any American proud. Those troops were best I
have ever seen and I've seen quite a few over the past 30 years. They
were motivated, intelligent and by all accounts the best trained we've
ever had. FYI: Ft. Irwin hosts a lot of war games, great desert fighting
area, American soldiers are just impossible to beat, op forces were
creamed over and over. God bless em, they're great!
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