Re: [MV] Drill instructors accused of going too far

From: Ryan Gill (
Date: Tue Jun 28 2005 - 18:04:00 PDT

At 3:55 PM -0700 6/28/05, Jeff wrote:
>Umm, what have we acomplished in the past 6 months?
>Killed some fine young americans is all. I say
>withdraw all our people then blast the living heck out
>the place, all those people understand is killing.

Good thing we didn't have this mindset after Torch and Kasserine eh?

Jeff, you need to read news reports compiled by
reporters that are doing something other than
sitting in the green zone writing AP/Reuters copy
from the safety of their hotel rooms. By and
large it's soldiers, on the ground, over there,
doing their jobs. They're not sullen, down in the
dumps or beaten. Pissed off is more like it.

A Good start:

From what I understand, Mike Yon is the First
reporter that's run around with CSM Mellinger.
Two others had an offer, but backed out when they
realized he was just traveling in a HMMWV.

Another good starting point is a blog like this one:

The LT of a USArmy Tank Platoon. He fought in
Fallujah. He's been posting his experience post
realtime so as not to be any kind of opsec issue.

This is another good blog, with an Afghan bent.

Go through the Mil Blogs

Ryan Gill    
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'60 Daimler Ferret '42 Daimler Dingo '42 Humber MkIV (1/3)

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