From: Thomas M McHugh (
Date: Tue Jun 28 2005 - 21:19:51 PDT
Reading & Watching the news can become extremely frustrating.
I think it depends on which TV Channel you watch. Channels 2 - 4 & CNN
say we are the most terribly inept military people & are losing the war.
Channel 5 & FOX News we are doing good. I think they cover the overall
picture more often.
If you talk to troops by e-mail & when they are home on R & R or after their
return, we are doing fine.
Either way, we are fighting with rules against brutal, vicious,
bloodthirsty, confused, suicidal individuals, who have no rules. If you
want to look for the bad stories, they are available.
You will never read about the Soldiers & Marines earning Silver Stars &
Purple Hearts, while doing an absolutely great job.
When I hear an Elected Politician bad mouth the troops, all I can think of
is that his pay check should stop immediately. Unfortunately the
NON-Veteran Congress & Senate Members have no idea what is the real world in
the military.
Congress is right, we should close GITMO. We should send them to prison IN
Iraq & Afghanistan. Take away the 3 meals & codling prison conditions.
Put them under the new Iraq guards. I wonder if the complaints would be as
Enough said !!!
Tom McHugh, NJ
1952 M38A1
US ARMY Retired
NJ State Commander Korean War Veterans Association
----- Original Message -----
From: "Joe Foley" <>
To: "Military Vehicles Mailing List" <>
Sent: Tuesday, June 28, 2005 8:02 PM
Subject: Re: [MV] Drill instructors accused of going too far
> "We" are NOT getting our asses kicked in Iraq.
> Iraq is not now nor has it every been a country, it
> was put together by Winston Churchill at the end of
> WWI out of left overs in that area. The people of
> that area have no common bond, no common history, no
> reason to function as a whole. They are a loose
> collection of extended families that just happened to
> be in the same place at the same time, the
> "boundaries" of the country were convenient
> for,........ someone.
> There would be absolutely NO SENSE in just handing the
> Iraqi people their country, they have to fight for it,
> it's that simple,..... they HAVE to. Just like our
> forefathers did, just like some of YOU did.
> The Iraqis ARE fighting for their country!!! Get that
> straight. They are the ones who are sick and tired of
> suicide bombers, they are the ONLY people who can be
> effective in stopping this problem, and they WILL do
> it.
> But it will take time, and WE have to make sure they
> get it, WE have to support them, there just is no
> other way.
> Someone did that for us when our forefathers started
> THIS country,........
> Joe
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