From: Stephen Grammont (
Date: Fri Jul 01 2005 - 07:30:24 PDT
> Sorry list, just trying to expell the bad students from the Hobby
> school
Let me get this straight... a couple of OTHER people post non-MV
related stuff about WMD, which is absolutely incorrect, and you are
getting on MY case for correcting it?
> ..........Steve what do you own again?
3 running MVs, 8 junkers.
> and why are you on this list? All I hear is your mouth about politics.
Funny... I was going to say the same about you.
> Steve nice change of the mailing address, shows how you really
> feel.........good job!
Accident. Stupid email program always defaults to it.
> I wasnt aware that the LA city officals were responsible for the Jurys
> decision..........thusly the ensueing riot by the
> people..........Hummm I like your mentality about twisting
> reality.......
The people rioted because of years of police racism and city
indifference. The jury's decision was just the match that fell on the
> .......and the "power vacuum"...........whatever.................
Well, I when I listened, in person, to a full bird Colonel, who fought
his way from the south to the north of Iraq, state that they we were
unprepared for the consequences of the "power vacuum", and that we lost
a great opportunity because of it... well... "whatever"....
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