From: Tactical Truck Info (
Date: Fri Jul 01 2005 - 09:27:50 PDT
I'm reposting this since everyone seems to be a fan.
Maybe you'll heed his advice:
As I said in my original post, I'm just reminding list members of the
rules set down by the owner of this list...........
Quite a few members contacted me off list to inquire as to just what
the rules were. I will post them here for the enlightenment of members who
are not familiar with them.
Any comments about this, please..... send to me off list.
Please remember, these are the rules set down by the OWNER of this list
...... not me.
START QUOTE..............
"Do not post off-topic messages.
No virus warning,.
no questions about how to break down machine guns,
no questions about how to recover a deleted file in Windows95, no
seasonal greetings. This is a mailing list to promote the use and
enjoyment of privately owned military vehicles.
I don't moderate the list. Postings go out as they come in, FIFO.
I am fairly liberal about what I judge as on-topic, and I only
rarely interfere in threads that move on to less-directly related
items. But if you post something that I judge as clearly off-topic,
I will send you a short, sharply worked message:
I won't couch it in any less firm a tone. I won't say, "Oh, pretty
please, try not to post off-topic messages." I run this forum so
that military vehicle owners have a place to exchange information,
to help each other and share in the joys and disappointments of the
hobby. I'm not attacking you personally, or intimating that you're
a fool or a flake. I'm telling you something that should be obvious,
that your posting has diluted the utility of the list. I have seen
too many newsgroups and mailing lists completely ruined by bickering,
off-topic posts, pure spam, flame wars, "religious" bigotry, and
more. It starts with the thin edge of the wedge, with one person
zapping another with a little snide comment or simply going off-topic,
and then it builds and builds. I won't have it happen here.
The simple question you need to ask yourself is this:
"What has this got to do with privately owned military vehicles?"
If you want to talk about politics, make sure it relates to zoning
or safety laws, or something else related to privately-owned military
vehicles. If you want to give medical information (a potentially
dangerous thing at any time), only do so if it relates to repairing
or restoring or using private military vehicles.
But if it has nothing to do with private ownership of military vehicles, don't
post it.
About firearms: I have allowed some brief discussion about ownership
of Class 3/Title II items, but there are many, many other venues
for discussion of their ownership, maintenance, politics, and so on. Please
restrict your topics to those related directly to privately owned
military vehicles (i.e. "How do I mount a pintle into an MXXX?"
or "What weapons should I assemble for my 1944 WC display?" etc.)
Concerning the appropriateness of discussion about vendors: this
is certainly a place for people to inquire into the honesty and
reliability of vendors, and for others to relate their experiences
and opinions. In the end, the best way to obtain the closest
approximation to the truth will be an open, honest, and thorough
discussion. Many "two cents worth" can total a significant sum. The
only thing I ask is that we maintain a reasonable level of decorum,
avoiding libel while revealing facts.
List Etiquette
***Do not quote extensively from a previous post.***
I really cannot emphasize this enough: TRIM YOUR FOLLOWUPS.
Some posts have included the entire message to which the
writer is responding.
Don't do this.
Trim your message to a minimum
and add your observations. Most definitely do NOT quote a previous
post in its entirety and merely add a couple of words of comment.
Do NOT, under any circumstances, post a test message to the list.
It wastes everyone's time. If you think you have a problem, e-mail
me directly and I'll do my best to help you.
By default, replies are directed to the original poster. There is
a reason for this. Be sure to post only appropriate messages to the
list. I may consider changing this in the future, and will ask for
comments on it at a later time.
Please do not send mail to the lists with a Read Receipt requested.
It generates unnecessary traffic and is considered quite rude by
Postings of a commercial nature are a delicate matter. If you are
an individual and wish to buy or sell something that relates
specifically to the list's charter, your message will probably be
acceptable. If you represent a company, send a message to
<> with a copy of your message attached and I
will determine its appropriateness.
Please do not forward error messages (user unknown, host unknown,
connection timed out, etc.) to the list. If private e-mail you send
to a member bounces and your reply is of general interest, feel
free to forward the message to the list with an explanation: "My
mail to the original poster bounced so I am sending this to the
list" and then forward your original message. You might perhaps
also send the bounce headers to, but it isn't
necessary as I'll probably have received a bounce by then, too).
Please do not post private messages to the list, or messages like
"Bob, I lost your phone number, please e-mail me." Use private
e-mail for that.
NOTE: If you have lost a person's e-mail address, examine the list
archives at <> for
it. If that fails, e-mail me at <> and I'll
try to help.
Do not post messages in MIME format, do not post messages in NeXTmail
format, and do not post HTML code. Do not attache VeriSign digital
signatures. They will be filtered by the list software and will
bounce. Although not necessary, feel free to sign your messages
with PGP. Keep your messages in plain text, as that is the common
denominator across PC, Mac, and UNIX platforms. Note that some
browsers may be configured to forward a copy of a web page (as an
"attachment") if you open a new mail message while examining
that page. Please don't do this.
Do not post binaries. If you have image files you'd like to share
with the group, post a pointer to them, either an ftp site or a
URL, or offer to e-mail them individually to people who are interested.
Keep on top of your mailbox and e-mail address. The first time mail
to you bounces, I may unsubscribe you. The second time mail to you
bounces, I will unsubscribe you. It is your responsibility to make
sure that your e-mail address is valid and that you have enough
disk space to accept messages. I archive the list at
<>, and if you think you may have
missed some list traffic, check there.
The list language is English. Don't post in non-English languages,
and please avoid using slang, dialect, or colloquialisms (other
than a greeting or sign off; use your common sense). The list is
enjoyed by many people for whom English is their second or third
language. Please be considerate of them. Written communications
that often deal with complex mechanical concepts are hard enough
for native English speakers to follow. Please don't make it any
more hard for everyone else.
Finally, do not post personal attacks. If for some reason you feel
compelled to flame someone, take it to private e-mail. Maintain
reasonable courtesy.
I reserve the right to unsubscribe you if you violate these polite,
common sense rules. That said, I run the mil-veh list for your
enjoyment. Please do not abuse it."
I think this says it all.
JANUARY 4, 2001---------
Jim Gilmore
13 Broadway 3rd floor
Jim Thorpe, PA. 18229
570-325-5216 phone
This archive was generated by hypermail 2.1.4 : Fri Oct 28 2005 - 23:22:15 PDT